Monday, June 4, 2007

Drop off has occured!

Meet Emily, the very gracious person at the Iliff Nursing and Rehabilitation Center who accepted our donations.
We had two boxes full of fuzzy goodness (nearly fifty items in total) which were all donated in Mary's name and will be given to elderly/pediatric patients.
If anyone else would like to organize a group drop off for people who haven't sent their items off yet (or are planning to knit more), please do post!
And thanks again.


Steph said...

That is awesome. It's amazing what a group can do when brought together for a good cause.

Roe said...

This is amazing. I've been giving my scarves to people I know and love, and I can't tell you how amazed they are when I tell them that a group like this exists. I try to tell everyone how we knitters are good like that! :-)

Mary Lewis, Ph.D. said...

This is so neat! I am trying to join the blog (but can't figure out how) and will email you as I have my first knitted scarf ever to send and need to know where to send it. :)

Emily said...

The residents of Iliff Nursing and Rehab Center would like to thank you so much for the beautiful scarves you made in memory of Mary Read. It was very thoughtful of you to think of the residents, the scarves really brightened their day!! One of the residents stated that when she wears the scarf she will always think of Mary, even though she did not know her she was a beautiful person. On behalf of the residents I would like to thank you again for the donation of scarves.
Emily Pollon, Activities Director