Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lots of boxes coming in!

I will wait until a bit after this weekend for any late arrivals. Than another group shot, and off to the big drop off! :)


Steph said...

Mine should hopefully be coming soon. I'm always a bit nervous sending knitted things in the mail.

Spooky said...

Mine should be there soon as well!

funfairiegirl said...

hey - when are you taking these? someone at work finished one and wants to send it to you - she is in Lynchburg, VA so not close enough for me to go get it.

glccafar said...

Hi, all. Lots of scarves in the new pic, hopefully you see yours there. :) And, FFG, the scarves will be dropped off this week (final drop off time will be determined on Monday or Tuesday). I'll be sure to post when I know the exact date.